The Wine Company


Louis Michel Chablis 2015

Louis Michel 2012 Chablis | 12.5% | A Chablis with a rounder more curlicue sort of fragrance –less limestone and lemon peel and more toward the snappy apple and firm pineapple but well shy of anything heavily ripened. No. This is a gum licking restorative with a bit of that gunflint sort of minerality and plenty of quenching structure but more defined by its polish and juicy appeal. A Duke of Windsor sort of Chablis who was born and bred for great things and entirely capable but perhaps a bit more nonchalant for the old guard and still better than the best of them and stylish from breakfast to the wee hours; it is a invigorating white for all hours.
Wine review by Nicholas Livingston, April 21, 2014 (Fruit)

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