Babies have three essential needs: Love, Nutrition & Diapers

Unfortunately, diapers are financially out of reach for 1 in 3 Minnesota families who struggle to provide what is needed for their babies and toddlers, costing an average of $1000 per year, per child in diapers. Parents in our state are facing the tragic choice between purchasing enough food for their family or keeping their little ones clean and healthy.

While there are resources in place to help families afford nutritious food for their children, public assistance like WIC is not accepted for diaper purchases. As well, most daycares require parents to provide a week’s worth of diapers to even enroll which can be an impeding road block for mothers looking to return to work.

Finally, diaper need hurts babies and parents on so many levels but is not openly discussed because it is a source of shame for parents who cannot keep their baby in clean diapers. It’s hard to imagine the ongoing stress and anxiety this causes families.

Our goal in conducting a diaper drive is to reduce diaper need and raise awareness for this issue that effects so many Minnesota families with babies and toddlers in diapers.

Working together last year, we donated 6,808 diapers and 2,152 wipes to families in need. Please help us exceed these numbers by donating any of the following: (donations will be brought to the Diaper Bank of Minnesota)

  • New packages of diapers
  • Opened diaper packages
  • Wipes
  • Money (cash or check) – Money donations can be given to DeAnna at the front desk.

Donations can be placed in the front door vestibule.

Should you find yourself short on time, it is easy to order up some diapers or wipes online and have them delivered to the office.

Click here for Amazon
Click here for Target
Click here for Walmart

The Wine Company
425 W Minnehaha Ave
Saint Paul, MN 55103

The Diaper Bank of Minnesota is a registered 501©3 non-profit and all donations are tax-deductible.

Want to get involved in the drive itself and help spread the word? Please reach out to us at if you might like to serve as a drop off location for our trucks to later pick up diapers at the end of the drive. We can help with the promotion across social media with little posts you can share along with your chosen platforms. The Diaper Bank of Minnesota has ready-made signs and tools available to get started straight away but please know we can also create custom signage for you and should this be of interest, please contact your rep. Thank you for your consideration.

With gratitude,

The Wine Company

– – –

Reporting at the closure of the Diaper Drive…

T H A N K   Y O U   F O R   M A K I N G   T H E
2 0 2 1   D I A P E R   D R I V E   A   S U C C E S S

🙌🏻  T H A N K   Y O U !  🙏🏻

Thanks to your participation and generosity, The Wine Company 2021 Diaper Drive surpassed all our goals by a healthy margin- by about 1,500 diapers and over 6,000 wipes, closing the drive with 8,321 diapers and 8,432 wipes!

GREAT JOB EVERYONE! It is so wonderful to see two pallets full of diapers and wipes going to families in need! It feels great to have contributed and all the better to know we achieved this together.

To keep informed about other opportunities to take part in helping our community with The Wine Company, follow #WineCoCares on Instagram.

🙌🏻  T H A N K   Y O U !  🙏🏻

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