😷 🧤 While we cannot conduct business as usual, The Wine Company adopts new safety procedures to once again open our office and warehouse to the trade in a way to ensure everyone can stay healthy and hale.



As we continue to mitigate COVID-19, we ask that you keep contacting us virtually whenever possible. If you have business that requires you to enter our offices, you’ll be asked to go through our wellness screening.

Wellness screenings are required for employees and all our partners when entering our building. You will need to take your temperature and record your name and the date in a log. Your temperature will not be recorded, just your name and the date.

Signing into the log is an attestation of the following:

  • You do not have a fever or a temperature of 100.4 or higher
  • You have not experienced chills/unexplained fatigue, shortness of breath, sore throat, cough, loss of smell or taste, or other flu-like symptoms
  • You have not been in contact with someone who is ill, has been experiencing symptoms or who was diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 14 days

Any non-employee will be required to sanitize and wear a mask while they are in the building.

While in the building, please do not enter personal work spaces like offices or cubes, stay in the shared areas, and maintain social distancing.

Our warehouse is still open for customer will-calls.  If you’re picking up a will-call, please follow the steps below

  1. Back into and park at door #1
  2. Go to the warehouse entrance and ring the doorbell, tell us for whom you’re picking up.
  3. Sign invoice with a clean pen and return to your vehicle
  4. We will bring the order out and load it.

THANK YOU! …for minding your health – and ours! Together we’ll get through this!

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